The nominees are
Created To Be His Help Meet by Debbi Pearl
Captivating by John and Staci Eldredge
The Lies Women Believe and The Truth That Sets Them Free by Nancy
{Banging on Drums} {rustling of me opening the envelope}
Created To Be His Help Meet! Debbi Pearl! {Hip Hip Hooray! and thunderous applause!}
So if you did not already figure it out I will be starting my spiritual transformation by going through this book and study on how to be the Help Meet Mate that my husband needs me to be.
At first glance this book seems to be a bit archaic but nothing wrong with getting back to the basics and God's original plan for marriage. What are my roles as a truly Godly woman, wife, and mother? It seems that in today’s society God's original plan for women has been somewhat lost. I long for nothing more than to get back to those roots of a truly Godly woman not only for my husband, but as an example to my daughters as well as my son. I want them to see what a Godly marriage is so that when the time comes for them to make that choice they know what to look for in a life partner.
I can not wait to see how this goes.